Day-case Haemorrhoidectomy
Open Diathermy Haemorrhoidectomy
The is a traditional but still applicable procedure for tackling more serious haemorrhoids, both internal or external. Yet, the postoperative pain is relatively higher than the other types of haemorrhoidectomy.
Stapled haemorrhoidectomy
Stapler |
This is the most commonly used procedure nowadays.
A specially-designed circular stapler is inserted into the rectum to remove the loose tissue and pulls the piles back into the anal canal. There will be no external wounds basically and the pain is slight. Time for recovery is greatly shortened than the open diathermy haemorrhoidectomy.
Haemorrhoid artery ligation, HAL
Haemorrhoidal artery ligation (HAL) is a procedure that uses a single use disposable proctoscope, with a Doppler ultrasound detector installed on it, to locate haemorrhoidal arteries accurately. The haemorrhoidal vessels are then ligated to cut its arterial blood supply and it will eventually shrink. HAL has been popular for years in the west with its remarkable effect and it is done on an outpatient basis, no excision is needed. This reduces the risk of complications and side effects afterwards.