Patient’s Charter (Patient’s Rights and Responsibilities)
- Purpose
- The purpose of Patients' Charter is to explain the Rights and Responsibilities when patients use the services in The Specialists. Such understanding will make the relationship between patients and the health care provider a mutually beneficial one, and enhance the effectiveness of health care process.
- Scope
- The Patients’ Charter covers all patients under the care of The Specialists.
- Patients’ Rights and Responsibilities
- Patients’ Rights
- Right to Medical Treatment
- The right to receive medical advice and treatment which fully meets the currently accepted standards of care and quality.
- Right to Information
- The right to information about what health care services are available, and what charges are involved.
- The right to be given a clear description of your medical condition, with diagnosis, prognosis (i.e. an opinion as to the likely future course of any illness), treatment proposed including common risks and appropriate alternatives, and give informed consent to their treatment.
- The right to know the names of any medication to be prescribed, and its normal actions and potential side-effects given your condition.
- The right of access to medical information which relates to your condition and treatment.
- The right to know the name and rank of staff providing services.
- Right to Choices
- The right to accept or refuse any medication, investigation or treatment, and to be informed of the likely consequences of doing so.
- The right to a second medical opinion.
- Right to Privacy and Confidentiality
- The right to have your privacy, dignity and religious and cultural beliefs respected under the condition that no harm is caused to other patients and health care providers.
- The right to have information relating to your medical condition kept confidential.
- Right to Complaint
- The right to make a complaint through channels provided for this purpose by the Centre, and to have any complaint dealt with promptly and fairly.
- Patients’ Responsibilities
- Cooperate with health care providers, maintaining trust and showing mutual respect.
- Give your health care providers as much information as you can about your present health, past illnesses, any allergies and any other relevant details.
- Follow the prescribed and agreed treatment plan, and conscientiously comply with the instructions given.
- Be well informed by your insurers of the detailed scope of coverage of your medical insurance policies.
- Keep any appointments that you make and give early notification if you are unable to attend.
- Should not ask health care providers to provide incorrect information, receipts or certificates, or to make incorrect entry into the medical records.
- Should keep good custody of your personal belongings.
- Should be responsible to meet the required fees and charges for the medical services provided to you.